Meet in Beek's Chapel at 10:45 am
Are you interested in laughter, conversation, prayer, coffee, and a weekly lesson from the best Book of all? Join the Journeys adult Sunday school class right after church each Sunday. We meet in Beek's Memorial Chapel behind the sanctuary and we would love for you to join us!
Meet in the Library at 10:45 am
The Lamplighters continue on the pilgrimage we have been on for several weeks. Although virtual, the journey is more than 1,500 miles and we are doing it primarily on foot! The author of our study did the actual route on foot and the insight he provides makes clear that the physical, emotional and intellectual trek seeking a better understanding of faith requires much of each of us. We have just passed Great Saint Bernard and are finally in Italy for the rest of our journey on the Via Francigena. Come join us! We meet in the Church library.
United Methodist Women (aka United Women in Faith) is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice.
Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.
Ways to Serve...
The 2016 United Methodist Book of Discipline charges the General Commission on United Methodist Men with the “primary oversight for the coordination and resourcing of men’s ministry with The United Methodist Church.”
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